Alpha’s mission is to equip and serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.
Throughout 2021 our heart and focus has been to support churches in and through the many challenges they are facing, and help them to grasp hold of the immense opportunity for evangelism presented by these times.
Alpha’s most significant opportunity lies in the ‘rising generation’. To ensure we have a substantial impact on meeting the varied needs of young people on the continent, we aim to invest time and other resources in 2022 to ensure that 65% of all Alphas throughout Africa will be youth oriented.
Support to churches through prayer and continuous engagement is a priority for Alpha in 2022 to
help them as they emerge from the pandemic and face new realities and new opportunities for ministry.
Give The Gift Of The Gospel
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith wherever they are in the world, for free.
You can help make that happen by considering a gift to Alpha, so that more people are reached and transformed by the good news of Jesus.